Infrared Services in Oregon

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Infrared Services in Oregon
Text Box: In these photos we can see a fan effect near the white or yellow ( higher temp.) this indicates an air leak.

As can be seen in the photo below that it is a reoccurring problem all along the wall.

That can be like leaving a window out of the building...
Text Box: The streaks that look like flames are an indication of air leaks. Note the difference in the two white boxes...
Text Box: “Impact of Infiltration on heating and cooling  loads on US office buildings” A study by the National Institute of standards and technology by Steven Emmerich. The energy use in commercial buildings due to infiltration has received little attention in the United States. However, as improvements have been made in insulation, windows, etc., the relative importance of these airflows has increased. Previous work at NIST described a research plan to quantify and assess opportunities to reduce the energy and indoor air quality impacts of building envelope leakage and poor ventilation system control in office buildings (Emmerich 1995) Air Infiltration is responsible for 33% of the total heating energy used..
Text Box: A case study by the Norwegian Building Research Institute by Hestad,T was presented at the AIC conference in Switzerland. “Air infiltration reduction on Existing Buildings”
It showed that a study of 28 commercial buildings had over 320 measures with less than a 3.5 year payback for implementation. Because building owners could not finance all of the measures only 170 were carried out with a 23% energy consumption reduction. One building was focused on in the report a 14 story building built in 1971. Reducing air infiltration by caulking around windows at two location completely around the building was 50% of the total energy reduction of the project or 340.000 kwh/year of the total energy reduction of 705.500 kwh/year. The payback time on the whole project was less than 2 years.

Thermographic Energy Loss Diagnostics

“Air Infiltration is responsible for 33% of the total heating energy used..” NIST


Air Infiltration is responsible for 33% of the total heating energy used..

Text Box: Investigation of the Impact of Commercial Building Envelope Airtightness on HVAC Energy Use   Steven J. Emmerich  Timothy P. McDowell    Wagdy Anis  NIST 7238 June2005 The study’s findings show that the inclusion of an air barrier system in non-residential buildings can reduce air leakage by up to 83 percent, representing a large reduction in energy consumption and operating costs: potential gas savings of greater than 40 percent, and electrical savings of greater than 25 percent. 
Text Box: In an article in Building Envelope Forum authored by Tony Woods the Past-President of the Ontario Building Envelope Council, In 1994, the Muskoka Board of Education signed a guaranteed 120-month performance contract with Honeywell to manage energy in 24 schools One of the schools, Gravenhurst High School, received an air barrier retrofit that cost $6,740, with an anticipated payback of 5.6 years. Yet once the work was completed, natural gas consumption was reduced 692.67 million Btu for savings of $4,893 in the two coldest months of the 1995/96 winter. In an interview with EUN Digest, Honeywell’s senior technical sales consultant on the project, Ted Draack, said, “We set an ambitious objective for this school, considering that air sealing was the only measure carried out. There were no boiler or burner adjustments and the lighting replacement was scheduled for 1996. We simply sealed the roof wall joints and installed door weather stripping.”
Text Box: The Utility and savings Initiative (USI)sponsored by State energy office NC and the US department of Energy found that based on  air infiltration rates on two Raleigh buildings using the actual total energy cost of  $ 1.59/sf for state owned facilities. The cost savings through caulking and weather  stripping  alone was in the  ranges on a 50,000 sf building up to $5,000.00 a  year and on a 100,000 sf building up to as high as   $ 10,000.00 a year.

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